Friday, April 08, 2005

Collision Checker

  1. I checked my former version of the planner (SBL). I didn't remember that such version requires ViewKit to visualize the environments. I don't think I have the rpms and I know that they are not around anymore. And even in the case where they were, I don't think is a good idea to develop something based on those libraries. So, my only one option is to find out what is happening with the collision checker call and correct it. So far, I know that the problem does not have to do with the SphereCollisionChecker. I created other objects inside the Collision() function and they are correctly created, and the functions ComputeDistance and CheckCollision() work fine. So, the problem is with the models. Either the geometrical definition (i.e., the triangles), or with the position/orientation.
  2. I have checked the call to the SphereColChecker. If I create the models inside the function, update the info on the position/orientation and call the ComputeDistance or Collision() functions, then it works perfectly. My guess is that it has something to do with the pointers. Remember that SphereColChecker was originaly developed in C. I will check that now.


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